define("PublicationID", 12); define("PublicationAbbreviation", "bi"); define("PublicationWebsite", "");

Finishing an End

As bowlers, the one thing we all think we can do is determine the result of the end – who is shot and who is not! However, from some recent conversations I have had with bowlers it appears that not all of us do.

So, this month we are going to look at Section 9 of the World Indoor Bowls Council Law Book (green book) ‘Result Of End.’

We will start with Law 44 ‘The Shot.’ I have added my comments in italics below the

law. After ‘The Shot,’ we will be moving on to ‘Measuring Conditions To Be

Observed,’ ‘Tie – No Shot’ and ‘Playing The Last Bowl.’

Law 44 The Shot

(i). A shot or shots shall be adjudged to be the bowl or bowls nearer to the jack than any other bowl played by the opposing player or players.

(ii). When the last bowl has come to rest, if either team desires, 30 seconds shall

elapse before the measuring process is started.

The 30 seconds must be requested – it is not automatic – so if not requested you can start determining who is shot and place wedges to support bowls if required.

The 30 seconds applies to all bowls on the rink, not just the last bowl played!

(iii). At any time during the measuring process, any bowl which is in danger of falling may be secured in its position by either opponent. If the bowls are not secured and fall prior to or during measurement the bowls shall remain in the new position and the shot determination continued. All shots previously agreed shall count.

Bowls can be secured by either opponent, not just the player conducting the measure, so if you think that a bowl needs to be secured and the player conducting the measure has not secured it, then you should either insist that he/she secures it or you can secure it yourself. If a bowl falls either way, then it is your fault and not the person conducting the measure.

(iv). Neither jack nor bowls shall be moved until the opponents have agreed the number of shots, except in circumstances where a bowl has to be moved to allow the measuring of another bowl.

If you are not involved in the measuring process, DO NOT remove any bowls from the head.

(v). As the shots are agreed, the bowls may be removed from the head and placed in a group in a position where they will not interfere with the process of measuring.

In my experience lady bowlers are far better at this than men. While we men tend to roll or kick the bowls out, ladies place them carefully in a group. Sometimes they even place the shots on a cloth. This prevents any confusion.

Law 45 Measuring Conditions To Be Observed.

(i). No measuring shall be allowed until the end has been completed.

(ii). All measurements shall be made to the nearest points of each object.

(iii). If a bowl required to be measured is resting on another bowl which prevents its measurement, the best available means shall be taken to secure its position, whereupon the other bowl shall be removed.

Where possible wedges should be used to secure bowls. However, if you do not have wedges use whatever means you have – chalk for example can often be used to support the bowl.

(iv). The same course shall be followed where more than two bowls are involved or where, in the course of measuring, a single bowl is in danger of falling or otherwise changing its position.

(v). When it is necessary to measure to a bowl or jack in the ditch, and another bowl or jack on the green, whenever possible, the measurement shall be made with a string measure.

Most measures in current use are string measures. I have, in the past, had disagreements with some umpires over the use of callipers when either the bowl/s or jack is in the ditch. I don’t think you should use a calliper in these circumstances, although not all umpires agree with me. Remember that if you don’t have a string measure you use whatever you have available.

Law 46 Tie – No Shot

(i). When at the conclusion of play in any end the nearest bowl of each team is touching the jack, or is deemed to be equidistant from the jack, or no live bowls remain, there shall be no score recorded.

(ii). The end shall be declared tied and shall be counted as a played end.

Remember the end counts as a PLAYED END. If you are scoring the card you either put a dash or a nought on both sides of the card and carry the score forward.

Example A:

End 12 3 15 – 12

End 13 – 15 – 12

Example B:

End 12 3 15 0 12

End 13 0 15 0 12

Law 47 Playing The Last Bowl

(i). Nothing in these Laws shall be deemed to make it mandatory for the last player to play the last bowl in any end, but

(a). the last player shall declare to the opposing skip, or opponent in singles, the intention to refrain from playing it before the commencement of determining the result of the end and

(b). such a declaration shall be irrevocable.

You don’t have to play the last bowl, but you must inform your opponent and once you have told your opponent you can’t change your mind.