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STATEMENT | IWBA clarify position on British Isles internationals

Following on from information recently shared regarding the future of the British Isles international events, the Irish Women’s Bowling Association would like to release the following statement:

“There were discussions which took place during Covid lockdown to change the International Series from a 24 Player Event to a 10 Player Event.

“The IWBA (represented at these meetings by Senior Team Manager and Hon Secretary) were strongly against these changes but unfortunately when this went to a vote the 10 Player Event was successful and as such the IWBA had to follow this democratic decision. Ironically, this format has not been implemented yet, due to the Pandemic.

“The IWBA position has, and always will be, in favour of a 24 player team at Senior Level and for a 16 player Team at Junior International Level.

“In the current position England and Scotland will not take part in these formats so as it stands there is a vacuum for all aspiring international players.

“The IWBA position has been misrepresented in the Welsh version of the recent meeting. In fact, Wales (WWBA) and not Ireland, voted for the 10 Player Series which has led to the dilution of the 24 Player Series.

“The IWBA will take part in the working group to discuss the way forward and will do so having taken on the views of all relevant stakeholders. We will endeavour to issue an online survey for all our International Players, past and present, to complete to canvass their views. We will also ask all our current and previous selectors to do likewise. These views will be taken forward to the working group and used as the official IWBA position.

“This is about getting in place a sustainable format that is agreeable to all five home countries moving forward and one that enhances, not reduces, the chances of all our grassroot players.

“We will continue to work to get the best possible outcome for all our bowlers moving forward. Please look out for the survey and please complete so we can take your views forward”.

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