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BDA Bring a Friend Day a Success

The ‘Bring a Friend Day’ initiiative by the BDA has been hailed a success.

The BDA held the inaugural Bring a Friend Day, sponsored by Potters Holidays, across the weekend of the 29th & 30th October and for those clubs that took part the day proved to be very successful. One of the dayโ€™s most impressive events was held at Lincoln & District IBC where 43 current club members brought along 31 friends who were new to bowls and all 31 submitted applications for membership via the clubs specially organised fast track membership system!

Due to the success of the Bring a Friend Day the BDA can now announce that the Spring Bring a Friend Day is to be expanded into a Bring a Friend Week, commencing on the 28th April, 2012 and concluding on the 7th May (Bank Holiday Monday). Further details regarding this event will be posted shortly onwww.bowlsdevelopmentalliance.com and all NGB websites but clubs are very much encouraged to continue the success of the Bring a Friend Day initiative by registering and getting involved.