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Bid to increase women coaches

The aim of the โ€œWomen Canโ€ National campaign is to encourage more women to play bowls, coach bowls and volunteer in bowls

Four focused consultations have recently been held with groups of women bowlers and women non -bowlers to discuss the barriers around women joining bowls clubs, taking up coaching and putting themselves forward for committee roles.

The evidence shows that many women would love to become a Level 1 qualified coach but factors such as lack of confidence, feeling they will be out of their depth on a mixed course and not feeling comfortable with a male tutor are all barriers that stop them making that first step.

The aim of the BDA is to dispense some of these barriers and offer women the chance to attend a course which is tailored to their needs.

Four courses will run across the country with the aim being to encourage as many women onto these courses as possible.

These courses will be promoted nationally as well as at the Bowls England National Championships in August.

For more information on the coaching courses below please visit www.coachbowls.org and visit our website where our campaign video can be viewed at www.playbowls.org/womencan which showcases the many different things that bowls can offer women.

Women Can – Coach Bowls Level 1 courses

9th October and 12th November

Charnwood IBC, Leicestershire

10th October and 13th November

Oxford & District IBC

11th October and 15th November

Exonia BC, Devon

14th October and 18th November

Newton Hall BC, Blackpool

For Further Information contact: Bowls Development Alliance Phone: 01664 777001 email: Anna@playbowls.org